PxD100 – our new solution for remote seal applications
PxD100 is our new compact remote seal solution combining all the advantages of the Pxx100 series wit...
How to improve emissions reporting accuracy using ABB’s zirconia oxygen analyzers
VideoPxD100 is our new compact remote seal solution combining all the advantages of the Pxx100 series wit...
Introducing ABB’s latest range of Advanced Water Transmitters that work the way you want to work. Mo...
PGF100, PAF100 pressure transmitter – the essential solution for food & beverage PxF100 is...
Aflati mai multe despre partenerii IMATEC
ABB is a pioneering technology leader that is writing the future of industrial digitalization. For more than four decades, ABB have been at the forefront, innovating digitally connected and enabled industrial equipment and systems.
Codel industrial and informatics engineering idea is constructing and producing the systems based on contemporary informatics, communication and automatization solutions, as well as creating specific software modules intended to control various electronic devices and make them the integral elements of the system.
For nearly 50 years LABOM has been one of the leaders in quality for industrial pressure and temperature measurement technology. The German company specialises on the measuring and monitoring of pressure, level and temperature.
Since the founding of Intra-Automation GmbH in 1977, the corporate activities were focused on measurement and control systems for flow, level, pressure, absolute pressure and differential pressure. Our mag. level gauges ITA and our flow sensors Itabar were the driving forces for the successful development of Intra-Automation GmbH.
Proven to be tough, reliable and incredibly easy to work with, ProcessMaster FEP630 delivers the power to solve your most demanding process applications.
CoriolisMaster FCB400 series of compact Coriolis mass flowmeters feature low pressure drop, high capacity, intuitive ABB common display, five modular I/O`s and HART communication.
Analyzers so smart, they're simple - ABB's entry line for continuous gas analyzers. Robust and reliable for measuring gas concentrations in numerous applications. Now with the new Limas23 UV photometer and internal drift/precision reporting according QAL3!
Infiintata in 1992, firma IMATEC SRL este o companie 100% privata, fiind o prezenta activa pe piata romaneasca in domeniul automatizarii proceselor industriale.
Preocuparea pentru ecologie, pentru un mediu cat mai sanatos, lipsit de poluare a devenit in zilele noastre un trend international, pe care tot mai multe companii l-au adoptat.
Ne bucuram sa ne aliniem acestui trend, sa ne aducem si noi aportul la mentinerea unui mediu cat mai curat si sanatos, prin introducerea si implementarea unor tehnologii de top in domeniul monitorizarii emisiilor poluante si al automatizarii proceselor industriale.
In functie de aplicatie, oferim clientilor nostri atat echipamente si analizoare de gaze sau monitoare de pulberi separate, ca unitati individuale de control si reglare in procesul industrial, cat si solutii complexe de monitorizare (la cheie) care includ monitoare de praf, monitoare de debit, analizoarele pentru masurarea gazelor rezultate din proces, calibrarea si verificarea, comunicatiile digitale, PC de emisii, software-ul care permite stocarea si raportarea datelor conform legislatiei internationale de mediu in vigoare.
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